Tuesday, 22 August 2017


We study here some type of graph like multigraph ,multigraph,path,circuit,etc...
now we define here a graph. start as...

DIRECTED GRAPH:- A directed graph is a graph defined abstractly as an ordred pair (V,E) where V={v1,v2,.....} vertex and E={e1,e2,e3.........} i.e. egdes is a binary relation on V. The pair (vi,vj) is said to be incedent vertices.where vi is a initial vertax and vj is a terminal vertix.

SELF LOOP:-  The defination of a graph an edge to be of the form (vi,vj) suvh an edge having the same vertex as both its end vertices is called a self loop
where K is a self loop

PARALLEL EDGES IN A GRAPH:-  Let G=(V,E) is a graph then all edges having the same pair of end vertices are called parallel edges ..

where e1 and e2 are parallel edges.

UNDIRECTED GRAPH:- An undirected graph is defined abstractly as an ordered pair (V,E) where V is a non-empty set and E is a multisets of two elements from V.for example
this is an undirected graph because it have not any direction.

SIMPLE GRAPH:-  A graph G=(V,E) that has neither self -loop nor parallel edges is called a simple graph. for example
it have no self loop and no parallel edges.

FINITE AND INFINITE GRAPH:-  A graph with a finite number of vertices as well as a finite number of edges is called a finite graph otherwise it is infinite graph.
this is a finite graph because it have finite number of vertices and edges.
this is an infinite graph.

ORDER OF A GRAPH:-  If G=(V,E) is a fiinite group then the number of vertices is is called the order of the graph G and its denoted by IVI (mod V).

INCEDENCE :- Let E be and edge joining two vertices vi to vj of a graph G=(V,E) then the edge e is said to be incident on each of its end vertices vi to vj.

ADJACENCY:- Two vertices in a graph  are said to ve adjacent if there are exist an edge joining the vertices.

DEGREE OF A VERTEX:- The degree of a vertex v in a graph written as d(v) is equal to the number of edges which are incident on v with self -loop counted twice.
In fig A d(a)=2 , d(b)=2 , d(C)= 2

ISOLATED VERTEX:-  a vertex in a graph G having no edge incedent on  it is called an isolated vertex.
fig B
in this graph f is a isolated vertex.

PENDANT VERTEX:- A vertex v in a graph G is said to ve pendent vertex if its degree is one. i.e. d(v) = 1 . in fig B degree of e is 1.

NULL GRAPH:- A graph is said to be null if its each vertex is zero degree or other word its vertices are non empty but its edes are empty.

EVEN OR ODD VERTICES:- A vertex is said to be even or odd if its degree is an even of odd number.

THEORAM:- The sum of the degrees of all vertices in a graph G is equal to twice the number of edges in G.
solve:- Let G=(V,E) be a graph ,then the number of edges in Gis IEI,
since the edge in G is incident on two vertices so it contributes 2 to the sum of the degrees of  the graph  ,
so sum of degrees of all the vertices in G =  ∑d(v)=2IEI  
this theoram is called the HANDSHAKING LEMMA.

Friday, 18 August 2017


RELATION:- In order to express a relation from set A to Set B , we always need a statement which connects the elements of A with the elements of B.
example ;-A ={1,2,3,4} B={2,4,6} and relation is less than than we express it like (1,2) (1,4) (1,6) (2,4) (2,6) (3,4) (4,6). that is 1 is lass than 2 , 1 is less than 4 ...etc

let A and B be two non-empty sets . A relation from A to B is a subset of A-B and is denoted by R .R is a relation from A to B such that R ⊆ A-B
R = {(a,b) : a∈A , b∈B and aRb}

example ;-A ={1,2,3,4} B={2,4,6} and relation is less than than we express it like (1,2) (1,4) (1,6) (2,4) (2,6) (3,4) (4,6). that is 1 is lass than 2 , 1 is less than 4 ...etc that is R ⊆ A-B  we can write this like R ⊆ AxB 

memory :- if Set A and B has m and m elements that we write it total number of elements is m.m or squre of m.
if Set A has m and set B has n elements than we write is m.n elements 

INVERSE RELATION:-if R ⊆ AxB is a relation from A to B then inverse relation define as R-1= { (b,a):(a,b)∈A  a∈A , b∈B and aRb}

COMPOSITE RELATION:- Let A , B,C be three non-empty sets  and R be a relation from A to B and S be a relation from B to C st R ⊆ AxB  and S ⊆ BxC then the composite relation of two relations is a relation from A to C define as SoR ={(a,b) :  an element c∈B st (a,c)∈R , (c,b)∈S}

i.e. (a,c)∈R , (c,b)∈S=> (a,b)∈ SoR .

Rusult:- if  R-1 and  S-1 are inverse of the relations R and S respectively then
(RoS)-1 =  S-1 o  R-1

RELATION ON A SET :- Let R be a relation from P to Q . if P =Q then we say that R is a relation on a Set P. i.e R ⊆ PxQ. 

1. Reflexive:- Let A be a non- empty set and R be a binary relation in A i.e. R ⊆ AxA then the relation R is called relexive relation if every element of A is R related to itself.
i.e. for all (a,a)∈R

2. Symmetric :-

If R is a relation in the set A then R is called symmetric relation if a is related to a then a is related to b.

i.e. (a,b)∈R => (b,a)∈R.

3. Anty-symmetric Relation :- 

If R is a relation in the set A , then B is called anty-symmetric if (a,b)∈R (b,a)∈R. => a=b

4. Transitive Relation :- 

If R is a relation in the set A then R is called transitive if a is related to b and b related to c then a is related to c i.e.

(a,b)∈R (b,c)∈R =>(a,c)∈R.

Partial Order set (poset):- A relation R on a set A is said to be Partial order set if it is Reflexice , Antisymmtric and Transitive. And if it satisfies another axiom trichnotomy low then it is called total ordering relation. trichnotomy law is any two element of set is comparble.
compleltely defination of Partial order set is :-  A set A with a partial ordering relationon A is called partial order set and its denoted by( A,)

for Example:- If N be the set of partial integers then prove that relation ≤ is a partial order set on N.
1. Reflexivity:- for each a∈N . since a is less or equal to itself then we can say a≤a. i.e. aRa.
2. Anti-symmtry:- let a,b∈N  such that a≤b , b≤a so no element cannot be less or equal each other. therefore a=b.
3.Transitivity:- let a,b,c∈N st a≤b , b≤c then a≤c.
and hence it is a partial order set. hence proved.

Maximal element:- let ( A,) be a partially order set .An element a in A is called maximal element if 

Minimal element:- let ( A,) be a partially order set .An element p in A is called maximal element if x≤ p => m=x.

Least Upper Bound:-
Let S is a subset of R. And aR. Then a is called least upper bound of S if it is satisfied two axioms.
1) x≤a for all x∈S.
2) there are exist a Upper Bound t such that a≤t.
I.e. lub is less or equal all other upper bounds.

Greatest lower Bound:-

Let S is a subset of R. And a∈R. Then a is called least upper bound of S if it is satisfied two axioms.
1) a≤x for all x∈S.
2) there are exist a lower Bound w such that w≤a.
I.e. glb is greater or equal all other lower bounds. 

LATTICE:- A partially ordered set ( L,) is said to be lattice if evety two elements in the set L has a unique least upper bound and a unique greatest lower bound or its inf or sup exist.

DUAL LATTICE:- let ( L,) be a partial order set for any two element a,b∈L the converse of the relation "≤ " denoted by "≥" defined as  b≥a <=>a≤b  . in other words ( L,)  is a lattice then ( L,) also a lattice.

Monday, 14 August 2017

Vector space

Vector space:-
Let V be a set with operation + and let F be a field with the operations + and . (dot) . an algebric expression ((V,+),(F,+.), .) with the internal and external operations is called vector space if it is  satisfies following axioms.
1. (V,+) be an abelian group.
2. (F,+,.)  Be closer with respect to dot.
3. a(æ+ß) = aæ+aß for all a,b is in F and æ,ß in V.
In other words we can express it as below..
we can describe this
1. (V,+) be an abelian group i,e, it satisfies 5 charactiristic closure associate identity inverse and commutative /
1  α,β in V then α+β in V.
2  α,β,γ in V then (α+β)+γ= α+(β+γ)
3  α in V , then there are exist 0 st α+0 = α
4  if α in V then -α in V st α+(α) in V.
5  α,β in V then α+β =β+α
2. (F,+,.)  Be closer with respect to dot. i,e,

a in F and α in V st aα in V.

* set of real no is a vector space .

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Useful formula Geometry formulla (उपयोगी सूत्र )

Geometry formula

(α в ¢)²= α² в² ¢² 2(αв в¢ ¢α)
1. (α в)²= α² 2αв в²
2. (α в)²= (α-в)² 4αв b
3. (α-в)²= α²-2αв в²
4. (α-в)²= f(α в)²-4αв
5. α²   в²= (α в)² - 2αв.
6. α²   в²= (α-в)²   2αв.
7. α²-в² =(α   в)(α - в)
8. 2(α²   в²) = (α  в)²   (α - в)²
9. 4αв = (α   в)² -(α-в)²
10. αв ={(α в)/2}²-{(α-в)/2}²
11. (α   в   ¢)² = α²   в²   ¢²   2(αв   в¢   ¢α)
12. (α   в)³ = α³   3α²в   3αв²   в³
13. (α   в)³ = α³   в³   3αв(α   в)
14. (α-в)³=α³-3α²в 3αв²-в³
15. α³   в³ = (α   в) (α² -αв   в²)
16. α³   в³ = (α  в)³ -3αв(α  в)
17. α³ -в³ = (α -в) (α²   αв   в²)
18. α³ -в³ = (α-в)³   3αв(α-в)
ѕιη0° =0
ѕιη30° = 1/2
ѕιη45° = 1/√2
ѕιη60° = √3/2
ѕιη90° = 1
¢σѕ ιѕ σρρσѕιтє σƒ ѕιη
тαη0° = 0
тαη30° = 1/√3
тαη45° = 1
тαη60° = √3
тαη90° = ∞
¢σт ιѕ σρρσѕιтє σƒ тαη
ѕє¢0° = 1
ѕє¢30° = 2/√3
ѕє¢45° = √2
ѕє¢60° = 2
ѕє¢90° = ∞
¢σѕє¢ ιѕ σρρσѕιтє σƒ ѕє¢
2ѕιηα¢σѕв=ѕιη(α в) ѕιη(α-в)
2¢σѕαѕιηв=ѕιη(α в)-ѕιη(α-в)
2¢σѕα¢σѕв=¢σѕ(α в) ¢σѕ(α-в)
2ѕιηαѕιηв=¢σѕ(α-в)-¢σѕ(α в)
ѕιη(α в)=ѕιηα ¢σѕв  ¢σѕα ѕιηв.
» ¢σѕ(α в)=¢σѕα ¢σѕв - ѕιηα ѕιηв.
» ѕιη(α-в)=ѕιηα¢σѕв-¢σѕαѕιηв.
» ¢σѕ(α-в)=¢σѕα¢σѕв ѕιηαѕιηв.
» тαη(α в)= (тαηα   тαηв)/ (1−тαηαтαηв)
» тαη(α−в)= (тαηα − тαηв) / (1  тαηαтαηв)
» ¢σт(α в)= (¢σтα¢σтв −1) / (¢σтα   ¢σтв)
» ¢σт(α−в)= (¢σтα¢σтв   1) / (¢σтв− ¢σтα)
» ѕιη(α в)=ѕιηα ¢σѕв  ¢σѕα ѕιηв.
» ¢σѕ(α в)=¢σѕα ¢σѕв  ѕιηα ѕιηв.
» ѕιη(α-в)=ѕιηα¢σѕв-¢σѕαѕιηв.
» ¢σѕ(α-в)=¢σѕα¢σѕв ѕιηαѕιηв.
» тαη(α в)= (тαηα   тαηв)/ (1−тαηαтαηв)
» тαη(α−в)= (тαηα − тαηв) / (1  тαηαтαηв)
» ¢σт(α в)= (¢σтα¢σтв −1) / (¢σтα   ¢σтв)
» ¢σт(α−в)= (¢σтα¢σтв   1) / (¢σтв− ¢σтα)
α/ѕιηα = в/ѕιηв = ¢/ѕιη¢
» α = в ¢σѕ¢   ¢ ¢σѕв
» в = α ¢σѕ¢   ¢ ¢σѕα
» ¢ = α ¢σѕв   в ¢σѕα
» ¢σѕα = (в²   ¢²− α²) / 2в¢
» ¢σѕв = (¢²   α²− в²) / 2¢α
» ¢σѕ¢ = (α²   в²− ¢²) / 2¢α
» Δ = αв¢/4я
» ѕιηΘ = 0 тнєη,Θ = ηΠ
» ѕιηΘ = 1 тнєη,Θ = (4η   1)Π/2
» ѕιηΘ =−1 тнєη,Θ = (4η− 1)Π/2
» ѕιηΘ = ѕιηα тнєη,Θ = ηΠ (−1)^ηα

1. ѕιη2α = 2ѕιηα¢σѕα
2. ¢σѕ2α = ¢σѕ²α − ѕιη²α
3. ¢σѕ2α = 2¢σѕ²α − 1
4. ¢σѕ2α = 1 − ѕιη²α
5. 2ѕιη²α = 1 − ¢σѕ2α
6. 1   ѕιη2α = (ѕιηα   ¢σѕα)²
7. 1 − ѕιη2α = (ѕιηα − ¢σѕα)²
8. тαη2α = 2тαηα / (1 − тαη²α)
9. ѕιη2α = 2тαηα / (1   тαη²α)
10. ¢σѕ2α = (1 − тαη²α) / (1   тαη²α)
11. 4ѕιη³α = 3ѕιηα − ѕιη3α
12. 4¢σѕ³α = 3¢σѕα   ¢σѕ3α

» ѕιη²Θ ¢σѕ²Θ=1
» ѕє¢²Θ-тαη²Θ=1
» ¢σѕє¢²Θ-¢σт²Θ=1
» ѕιηΘ=1/¢σѕє¢Θ
» ¢σѕє¢Θ=1/ѕιηΘ
» ¢σѕΘ=1/ѕє¢Θ
» ѕє¢Θ=1/¢σѕΘ
» тαηΘ=1/¢σтΘ
» ¢σтΘ=1/тαηΘ
» тαηΘ=ѕιηΘ/¢σѕΘ continue...

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Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Maths formulla (rectangle) in hindi

आयत के  फ़ॉर्मूलास : √ल ० का वर्ग  + चौ ० का वर्ग
आयत का विकर्ण =
आयत का क्षेत्रफल = ल *चौ
आयत का परिमिति या  परिमाप = २ (ल +चौ )
आयत के  क्षेत्रफल में वृद्धि = a+b+ab/100
आयत के  क्षेत्रफल में कमी  = a-b-ab/100
एक आयताकार खेत की ल ० a  और चौ b तथा इसके चारो ओर x चौ का रास्ता हो तो रस्ते का क्षेत्रफल           =       2x (a+b+2x)
एक आयताकार खेत की ल ० a  और चौ b तथा इसके अंदर  चारो ओर x चौ का रास्ता हो तो रस्ते का क्षेत्रफल           =       2x (a+b-2x)

वर्ग का परिमाप = 4A
वर्ग का क्छेत्रफल = A *A
Area of square = a2
Dimension of square= 4a    where a is side of square.


वृत  के  क्षेत्रफल = π*r2
वृत की परिधि = 2πr
Area of circle = πr2
 cirumference of  circle = 2πr

पाइथागोरस प्रमेय - किसी समकोण त्रिभुज में कर्ण का वर्ग अन्य दो भुजाओ के वर्गों के योग के वरावर होता है।
A2+B2=C2 where A and B आधार और लंब और C कर्ण है।