Saturday, 23 April 2016


Ringà An algebric expression (R,+,.) where R is a non-empty set with two operations “addition and dot” is called ring if it is satisfies following axioms..
R1. (R, + ) be an abelian group.

1)      closure for addition:-  if a,b ∈R => a+b∈R for all a,b∈R
2)      associate for addition:-if a,b,c ∈R then (a+b)+c=a+(b+c) for all a,b,c∈R
3)      identity for addition:-  if for all a∈R there are exist 0∈R such that a+0=a for all a∈R
4)      inverse for addition:- if for all a∈R then there are exist –a∈R such that a+(-a) ∈R for all a∈R
5)      commutative low    :-  for all a,b∈R such that a+b=b+a for all a,b∈R
R2.  (R,.) be a semi group.
      1)   closure for multifi. :-   for all a,b∈R => a.b∈R   for all a,b∈R
      2)  associate for dot    :-   for all a,b,c∈R st    (a.b).c=a.(b.c)  for all a,b,c∈R
R3.  distribution law n:- for all a,b,c∈R
       1) left distribution:-             a.(b+c)=a.b+a.c for all a,b,c∈R
       2) Right distribution :-       (b+c).a=b.a+c.a for all a,b,c∈R
So (R,+,.) is a Ring…………..

Types of Ring:à
·         Ring with unity:à A ring with multification identity 1 which is define as a.1=1.a=a for all a∈R is called Ring with unity…
·         Commutative Ring:à A ring with multification identity is called commutative ring i.e. a.b=b.a for all a,b∈R ….
Examples. Set of intergers is a Ring Set of real number is a ringSet of rational is a ring…..
·         Boolean ring:à A set (R,+,.) is called Boolean Ring if its all element are idempotent. i.e. a2=a for all a∈R
·         Zero devisors:àA ring is called with zero divisor if it is difined as ab=0 but a0 , b0..
·         Ring without zero divisor:à A ring is called ring without zero divisor if it is defined as for all a,b∈R  ,   ab=0 => a=0 or b=0 or a=b=0 both are zero…

Theoram:à A ring R is a without zero divisor iff R is satisfies cencellation law..

·         Proof:à  firstly let R is a Ring without zero divisor i.e. a,b∈R are orbitary element  s.t. ,   ab=0 => a=0 or b=0 or a=b=0 both are zero…
T show:-                       ab=ac (a0) => b=c
                                     ba=ca (b0) => b=c
for this , take                ab=ac (a0) => a(b-c) = 0
                                                       =>b-c = 0 since a0
                                                        => b=c
                                  Similarly we can prove   ba=ca (b0) => b=c
Conversaly:- now let R be a ring which satisfies cancellation law.
To prove:- R is a without zero divisor ring.
Assume contrary, suppose R is a ring with zero divisor then there are exist a,b∈R such that ab=0 but a0 , b0.
Now ,                ab= 0, a is not 0 => ab = a.0                       [a.0=0
                                           => b = 0                 [ by cancellation law]
                             This is  a contradiction because b≠0
Similarly           ab= 0, b is not 0 => ab = 0.b                      [0.b=0]
                                       => a = 0                [ by cancellation law]
   Again this is a contradiction because a is not. therefore R is a Ring without zero divisor......
Hence proved...........
Theoram:- if R is a ring with additive identity 0 then for all a,∈R a.0=0=0.a    for all  a,∈R
Proof:-       for all a,∈R
  0+0 = 0  
 a.(0+0)=a.0     (left multification of a)
  a.0+a.0=a.0+0  (distribution and ideal)
 a.0 = 0               (cencellation law)
  similarly we can prove 0.a=0                                                  proved…..
theorem:- :- if R is a ring with additive identity 0 then for all a,b∈R   a(-b) = -(ab) = (-a)b
proof :-     for all a,b∈R
  b + (-b) = 0           (inverse law)
  a.(b + (-b) ) = 0                       ( left multification of a)
 a.b + a.(-b) =0                         (distribution)
 ab + a (-b) =0                          (inverse law)
 a (-b) = -(ab)    for all a,b∈R  
 similarly we can prove (-a) b = -(ab)   for all a,b∈R.
Theoram:- :- if R is a ring with additive identity 0 then for all a,b∈R   (-a)(-b)=ab
Proof:-     (-a)(-b) = -[(-a)b]        
                 [a (-b) = -(ab)]
                            =>-[-(ab)]       [a (-b) = -(ab)]
                            => ab  for all a,b∈R.   [ -(-a) = a ]

Theoram :- if R is a ring with additive identity 0 then for all a,b∈R  , -(a+b) = (-a) + (-b)Proof :-     now we can take
   [(-a) + (-b) ]+ (a+b) =[(-b) + (-a)] + (a+b)        (commutative)
=>(-b) + [(-a) + (a+b)]      (associate 
 =>(-b) +[ {(-a) + (a)}+b]    (associate)
 =>(-b) +[ 0+b]                 (inverse)  
=>(-b) +( b )                   (identity)
=> 0                                             (inverse)

Theoram:- if R is a ring with additive identity 0 then for all a,b∈R  a.(b-c)= ac-bc   for all a,b,c∈R 
Proof |-  for all a,b,c∈R 
 a.(b-c)  = a.[b(+-c)]
=>a.b + a.(-c)      [distribution law]
 =>ab – ac           {a(-b)=-(ab)}
  Similarly we can prove (b-c)a = ba-ca  for all a,b,c∈R 
Theoram :- if R is Boolean ring st a2 =a for all a∈R     then prove that
(1)    a+a =0
(2)    a + b = 0 => a = b for all a,b,∈R
(3)     R be a commutative ring.
     since R is a ring such that a2 =a for all aR .
 aR => a,a 
 (a+a)= (a+a)              [since a2 =a]
  (a+a) (a+a) = (a+a)
ð       (a+a)a+(a+a)a= (a+a) [left distribution]
ð       a.a+a.a+a.a+a.a =a+a [right distribution]
ð       a+ a+ a+ a=a+a
ð       (a+a) + (a+a) = (a+a) + 0 [ since a=a]
ð       a+a =0
proved (1)
II proof-
    Now since  a+a =0
(1)          a+b = 0 => a+b = a+a
 =>  b=a          [ cancellation law]
III) proof-
   (a+b)= (a+b)         [since a2 =a]
  (a+b) (a+b) = (a+b)
ð       (a+b)a+(a+b)b= (a+b) [left distribution]
ð       a.a+b.a+a.b+b.b =a+b [right distribution]
ð       a+ ba + ab+ b=a+b
ð       a+ba+ab+b =a+b
=>(a+b)+ (ab+ba) = (a+b) + 0 [ since a=a]
=> ab+ba = 0
(2)    => ab =ba    [a + b = 0 => a = b ]
Therefore R is commutative
Hence proved…
Right Ideals: suppose (R Definations:-Left Ideals: suppose (R,+,.) be a ring then a non-empty set of S of R is called left ideals if
1)       S is a additive subgroup of R.
2)       For all s∈S, r∈R => sr∈S.
(R,+,.) be a ring then a non-empty set of S of R is called right ideals if
1) S is a additive subgroup of R.
2) For all s∈S, r∈R => rs∈S. 
Ideals :- suppose (R,+,.) be a ring then a non-empty set of S of R is called ideals if
1) S is a additive subgroup of R.
2) For all s∈S, r∈R => sr∈S , rs∈S
Improper and Proper Ideals:- suppose (R,+,.) be a ring . Ideal R and {0} are called Improper or trivals ideals and different from it are all called Proper or non-trival ideals.
Unit and zero ideals:- (R,+,.) be a ring then R and {0} are called Unit and zero ideals.
Simple ideals:- A ring (R, +, .) is called a simple ring if it does not contains any proper ideals.
Theorem:- Intersection of two ideals is also an ideal.
Proof:- suppose M and N are two ideals where M and N are both non-empty.then we can say both have 0 element ie
0∈M ,0∈N => 0∈MN therefore MN also a non-empty.
Since M is an ideal therefore it satisfies two condition ie
 M is a subgroup and s∈M , r∈R => sr,rs∈M …………….(1)
N is also an ideal therefore it also satisfies two contion ie
N is a subgroup and s∈N ,r∈R => sr,rs∈N………………..(2)
We have to prove :- MN is an ideal.
Since we know that intersection of two subgroup is also a subgroup. Therefore MN is also a subgroupFor this, take s∈MN , and r∈R
s∈MN , and r∈R => s∈M and s∈N ,r∈R
=>s∈M ,r∈R and s∈N ,r∈R
  => rs,sr∈M and rs,sr∈ N       from (1) and (2)
   => rs,sr ∈ MN
It satisfies both conditions .
and hence MN is an ideal, but union of two ideals is not necessary be an ideal . let us proof this by an example. Now we take a set M ={2n : n∈Z} and N = {5n : n∈I} are ideals for Ring R. but if you try to solve , it does not satisfies first low . for example 2∈M ,5∈ N => 2,5 ∈ M∪N but 2-5 = -3 ∉MUN because -3 does not exist both ideals , so MUN is not necessary a ideal.
Note:- similarly we can prove this forcollection of  family of intersecton of all ideals.
Theoram:- if (R,+,.) be a ring and M and N are two ideals then MUN is also an ideal iff they contains each others.
Proof:-let M and N are two ideals
To prove:-M ∪N is a Ideal of R.
  let  M and N are two ideal.and let they contains each others. i.e. M⊆N and N⊆M.
then  M∪N=M or N . and M and N are Ideal .therefore MUN  is a ideal of R.
conversaly:-  now let MUN is an ideal. Then we will show that they contains each other.assume contrary- MéN and NéM
now                  MéN=> there exist  a∈M then a∉N.               ……..(1)
 NéM => there exist b∈N then b∉M                        ……..(2)
From (1) and (2)
a∈M then a∉N=>a∈ M∪N
 b∈Nthen b∉M=>b∈ M∪N.
so,    a∈ M∪N , b∈ M∪N=>a-b ∈ M∪N   (since M∪N is a subgroup)
 a-b∈ MUN then a-b ∈ M or a-b∈ N
a ∈ M, a-b∈ M=> a-(a-b)= b∈ M but b∉M this is a contradiction.  {by 1}
Similarly a-b∈ N , b∈ N => a-b+b=a∈ N but a∉N  this a contradiction. {by 2}
Therefore M⊆N and N⊆M.
Hence proved.

 Definition :-suppose R is a commutative ring with unit element and a∈R then the ideal of it all multiples of a ie (a) = {ra : r∈R } is an ideal generate from a and its denoted by (a). then an Ideal M of R is called principal ideal if for a∈R st M=(a)..

*Result:- if M and N are two ideals of ring R then the set M+N = { x∈R ; x=a+b, a∈M ,b∈N }, is an ideal generate from MUN .
Proof:- since M and N are two ideals and we have to show M+N  is an ideal generate from MUN . for this we have to firstly show that M+N is an ideal then its an ideal generate from MUN.
Let x,y ∈M+N =>there are exist  a1,a2 ∈M and b1,b2∈N   where x=a1+b1 and y=a2+b2.

  *         Now, since x,y ∈M+N => x-y=(a1+b1)-(a2+b2)
                                                        =(a1-a2)+(b1-b2) ∈ M+N 
[because M and N are ideals therefore  a1-a2∈M and b1-b2∈N ]
So we can say that if x,y ∈M+N => x-y∈M+N for all x,y is in M+N.
·         let r∈R and x∈M+N => xr=(a1+b1)r = a1r +b1r∈M+N
Similarly r∈R and x∈M+N then rx∈M+N. this shows that M+N is an ideal of R.
After this we will prove that M+N is an ideal generate from MUN. for this we show that M+N=(M+N)

For this we take element a∈M so a= a+0 ∈M+N [0∈N] therefore M⊆M+N and similarly N⊆M+N…….
Since M⊆M+N , N⊆M+N => MUN⊆M+N………….(a)
We suppose that X ve an ideal of R such that MUN⊆X .
If z∈M+N then z=a+b where a∈M,b∈N.
Now , a∈MUN and b∈ MUN => a,b ∈X because MUN⊆X
                                         => a+b∈X
                                         => z∈X .
ie M+N ⊆X. then we can say M+N =(MUN) ie M+N is an ideal generate from MUN.
                                      hence proved.
*Note :- multiple of two ideals is also an ideal.

*Result :- prove that the ring of all integer be an principal ideal ring.
           Let (Z,+, .) be a ring of integer .let S be and Ideal of Z .
Condition 1:- if S=(0) then nothing to prove because S be a trival principal ideal generate from 0∈Z.
Condition2:- if S(0). Ie S is a non-trival ideal. Then we can say S contains only positive elements.then we can say there are exist n be a least positive integer such that n∈S .
then (n) ⊆ S……(1)
Now only to show that S⊆ (n). and then we can say S will be principal ideal of Z.
 Let a∈Z such that a∈S. then by the definition of division function there are exist q,r in Z such that a= qn+r where 0r<n.  or a-qn=r..
Since S be an ideal therefore n∈S , q∈Z=> nq∈S. [definition of ideal] .
Again a∈S ,qn∈ S => a-qn∈S [because S is a addition subgroup of Z]
ð       r∈S. since 0r<n where n is a least positive integer therefore n is in S and then the value of r will be zero ie r=0 .
therefore a=qn , where a is the multiple of n and then a∈(n).[definition of principal ideal]
a∈S => a∈(n) so S⊆(n)……..(2)
by (1) and (2)
(n) ⊆ S , S⊆(n) => S=(n)
And hence S is a principal ideal generate form Z.
                                                            Hence proved.
Euclidean Ring:- A commutative ring is called  an Euclidean ring if for all x∈R there are exist a non-negative integer d(x)  define as
1)      d(x) = 0 iff  x=0 ,where 0∈R
2)       d(x,y) d(x) when x,y 0
3)       for all x∈R and yz∈R there are exist q,r∈R st x=yq+r   , 0d(r)<d(y).
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